How To Avoid Pregnancy

Written By Rian_EW on Thursday, October 27, 2011 | 4:27 AM

Title  How To Avoid Pregnancy
DescriptionMany pregnant women are not ready with a variety of reasons. To avoid unexpected pregnancy, many women who perform a variety of ways after intercourse.   
There are several styles of women are taken to prevent pregnancy after intercourse when. But the various styles is a myth because it has not been proven to prevent pregnancy. Here are some styles that made women to prevent pregnancy but it was not necessarily successful:

1. Removing the penis before ejaculationPulling the penis from the vagina before ejaculation the man, not the proper way of birth control. According to Teen Advisor website, how is only 81 to 96 percent success. Many women think that if a man removing the penis before ejaculation, the sperm will not be able to fertilize an egg.

But men can produce something called pre-ejaculate. Leakage from pre-ejaculation male penis when they are aroused, and pre-ejaculate can contain sperm, which can lead to pregnancy.

2. DouchingDouching is the act of spraying fluid into the vagina to clean the vaginal canal. There is a common myth states using douches (water spray drugs) will prevent pregnancy.But the spray water, vinegar or other materials into the vagina not only will not prevent pregnancy, this can even lead to fungal infections.
Sperm through the cervix within seconds, so that when using a douche, an egg may be fertilized.

3. No need to orgasmOrgasm is not required to become pregnant. Woman's body undergoes many changes during sexual intercourse, whether or not he felt the pleasure. And pregnancy can occur even if he does not have an orgasm though.
4. Having sex during menstruationAlthough it is true that having sex during menstrual periods can greatly reduce the chances of getting pregnant, but still not a guarantee will not get pregnant. Many women have irregular periods, and ovulation can occur very close to the time when a woman is menstruating.
Sperm can also live inside a woman's body for seven days, so even if a woman is menstruating, perhaps sperm waiting when ovulation ends.
5. First sexual intercourse (virgin sex)A woman can get pregnant the first time you had sexual intercourse. Some women believe that the hymen (hymen) or a thin membrane at the opening of the vagina to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg.
Not just the hymen is stretched during pregnancy, but also many women who experience even stretch the hymen before having sex, because of sports or horseback riding.
6. The pillAccording to the Feminist Women's Health Center, Pill 92 up to 99.7 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. But even with birth control pills, many women are misinformed. Birth control pills do not cause rapid weight gain.
In addition, many women do not think they need to take a pill at the same time each day. However, if you take the pill correctly and follow the instructions exactly, birth control pills can be more than 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Also important to note that the pill does not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases

Healthy News
4:27 AM | 0 comments | Read More

5 Benefits of Kissing To Health

Written By Rian_EW on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 | 5:15 PM

Title   5 Benefits of Kissing To Health
Description A kiss as long as this may be just as an expression of our love and affection to a spouse (husband / wife) or to the child or grandchild. But do you know that the kiss turned out to provide many health benefits of physical and mental well, some of the advantages of kissing is:
Kissing helps prevent tooth decay (better than brushing your teeth?) Dr. Peter Gorden, Dental Advisor at the British Dental Association, explains. "After eating, your mouth filled with a solution of sugar and acid, which could potentially lead to plaque on teeth. Through the activities of kissing (of course with a legitimate partner!) Also occur unconsciously cleaning process to dirt / plaque on teeth. Besides kissing will also stimulate saliva flow that will carry and clean the plaque. "

Kissing can reduce tension. A passionate kiss is a relaxation technique, says stress consultant, Michelle Kay McNabb. "When your mouth is in the kissing position, you are in a position almost smiling and as our emotions and body language very closely related, it is almost impossible to smile and feel tense at the same time," besides that your breathing becomes deeper and usually you close eyes when kissing, it will cause you to relax and escape from the tension.Kissing helps you lose weight. How many calories can you burn by kissing depending on how long you are able to do it?? That in a long kiss and make up the body's metabolism, which would certainly burn the sugar / fat in your body faster than normal. Calories burned depends on the intensity of the kiss, but it can be said that you can burn 10 calories for every 10 minute kiss.

Kissing slow the aging process. Kissing helps maintain muscle tone your cheek and jaw, while kissing the cheeks and jaw muscles to contract so that tonusnya will be maintained and not easy to become lax. If the facial muscle tone is good then you will always look young.

Kissing improve fitness levels. When kissing your heart pumps blood throughout your body faster, this is because when kissing you release the hormone adrenaline into the blood that will trigger the heart beat faster and stronger and this is a very good exercise for your cardiovascular system which will cause you to become more fit , said Dr. Susan Hotchkies. "
Category Healthy News

5:15 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Poison Spider More Great Of Viagra

Title   Poison Spider More Great Of Viagra
Description A recent study showed that the venom of the banana spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) haspotential as a drug erectile dysfunction in men (new viagra).

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer), also known as the armed spiderorbanana spider (banana spider). The spider has a leg span of about four inchesand are usually found in banana plantations in South America.

The venom of banana spiders causing the victim to lose control of their muscles, and if untreatedcan interfere with breathing and finally causing kematian.Walaupun spidervenom is very dangerous, but only 10 of 7,000 who get bitten known to have died from bites.

There are other interesting symptoms experienced by victims of spider bites isexperiencing an erection that lasted more than four hours (a medical condition known aspriapism).

An interesting side effect is to make Kenya Nunesseoarang pneliti of the MedicalCollege of Georgiaestimates that the venom of this spider can be used to treat sexualdysfunction in both men and women.

Research on mice that had kesulitaan erection by using the active ingredients of bananaspider venom are compounds PnTx2-6 gives good resultsAddition compounds ofbanana spider venom did not give side effects that increased blood pressure is estimatedto have a different mechanism in causing erection viagraAnd erectile dysfunction drugs is estimated from the venom of this spider is more safe for people with hypertension in comparison with Viagra.
Category Viagra

5:09 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Stroke Can be Prevented

Title   Stroke Can be Prevented
Description At the stroke of the world congress of the 4th, in November 2000 in Melbourne Australia in 1300 was attended by delegates from 64 countries and discuss the issue of stroke prevention in plenary. On that occasion Prof.. Bonita Beoglehale said that in fact we all can prevent strokes and the effects it may have, provided we understand and appreciate the causes and risk factors for stroke.Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability No. 1 in adults.Stroke events in the world about 5.5 million per year, whereas in the USA about 500,000 per year with 150,000 deaths annually and more than 100,000 stroke patients who survive with varying degrees, his disability, the incidence of stroke increases with increasing age, males more often had a stroke than in women.
Besides stroke also pose the greatest impact in terms of socio-economic, due to medical costs and treatment is very high and due to disability caused a lot of post-stroke patients who can not work back to normal so that, in addition to being an economic burden his family, is also a burden for society sosia1 no longer productive.
In connection with Roke st there are at least three things to be aware of the community;1. Stroke can be prevented2. Stroke including emergency cases3. Stroke can be treated, and current treatment methods continue to evolve.
On this basis Stroke Foundation of Indonesia will build the International Stroke Center (International stroke center) in Jakarta in the near future. If there are no obstacles around August Stroke Center has been able to use the community.
Risk Factors and PreventionStroke risk factors grouped into two parts, namely the risk factors that can not be modified and modifiable risk factors.
Which include the risk factors can not be changed are: age, sex, race-ethnicity, derivative.Risk factors that can be changed / lowered is;1. Hypertension2. Heart disease3. Diabetes4. Hiperkolestrolemia5. Narrowing of the carotid artery6. The low activity / sports7. Smoke8. Drinkers of alcohol9. Stress10. People who previously suffered a stroke.
Category Stroke

4:55 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Pain At Intercourse

Title   Pain At Intercourse
Pain during intercourse mungtkin you've ever experienced. Pain that arises when a spouse (husband) to penetrate into your vagina. Guess it's sometimes very sick for you, so what should you enjoy, just annoying. Then, what is the cause of pain is it? And how do I fix this?1. Women Ever ExperiencingSome women have experienced discomfort or pain during intercourse. Well the pain when having sex on a woman in medical terms is known as dyspareunia. The pain can be on the outside of the vagina, on the inside of the vagina, or can also be deep in the abdomen or pelvic area, according to the opinion of H.winter Griffith, MD. This pain can arise when they see me, when in the middle, when the orgasm, or when it is complete sexual intercourse.Meanwhile, based on observations of the Masters & Johnson that about 15 percent of women are married within a year of husband-wife relationship is painful for the couple of times. Even experts also estimate that about one or two percent of married women experience more painful intercourse in a year sebandingkan with groups of women was 15 percent. Pain, pain, and other forms of disruption during sexual intercourse, of course, can interfere with the enjoyment and longevity in sex.
2. Physical FactorsThe cause of dyspareunia can be varied according to Winter, for example physically. Well, dispereunia caused by physical factors for the infection of venereal disease, like herpes or other diseases that attack the vagina, cervix, or fallopian tubes. Since you are undergoing treatment or peradiasian to cure a disease, it can also cause pain during intercourse.After some time you give birth because it is done penyayatan at the mouth to facilitate kehariran genital lips, can lead to dyspareunia. Pain or pain with intercourse could also be because you suffer from endometriosis. Namely the existence of an endometrial tissue outside the uterus, for example disaluran, ovaries, between the rear wall of the uterus and anus. Because they rupture the hymen or the hymen is a thin, it can also cause pain during intercourse. In addition, if the injury occurs disaluran urine, can also cause pain. Then due to an allergic reaction in diaprama, condoms, or not very good lubricant to condoms and also could be due to factors of menopause. Decreased levels of esktrogen that affect the amount of fluid in the vagina.

3. Psychic factorsThis factor is more often caused by trauma that imprint in the memory, such as rape. In addition, because of the fear of pregnancy, because it does not expect any child in the family (married at a young age). Factor less heating time and maximum on the wife, also can cause despareunia. The position on sex yaktu too much influence.

4. Overcoming DyspareuniaTo solve this problem first - all should be consulted with a doctor what causes it. If the main factor causing this disease terdeeteksi of new treatment measures will be adjusted, either because of physical and psychological factors
Category Sex

4:16 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women

Title   Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women
Description 1. What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer (also called cervical canceris one of the diseasesmost common cancer for womenEvery one hourone woman died in Indonesia due tocervical cancer or cervical cancerThe fact is that millions of women in the world are infected with HPVwhich is considered the disease through sexual intercourse mostcommon in the world.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this infection is a major risk factor forcervical cancerEvery yearhundreds of thousands of undiagnosed cases of HPV in the world and thousands of women die from cervical cancer, caused by the infection. Given the fact that this horrible, then the various measures of prevention and treatment have been made to cope with cervical cancer or cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer occur in the reproductive organs of a womanThe cervix is the narrow part at the bottom between the vagina and uterus of a womanIn part this is happening and where the growth of cervical cancer. What causes cervical cancer or cervical cancerHow do I prevent itAnd how to deal with it if already infected with HPV?

2. Preventing Cervical Cancer

Although cervical cancer is scary, but we can all prevent it. You can do a lot of precautionary measures before ultimately infected with HPV and cervical cancer. Some practical ways you can do in everyday life include:
Have a healthy diet, rich in vegetables, fruit and cereal to stimulate the immune system.For example, consume a variety of carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, and folic acid can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.Avoid smoking. Much evidence suggests the use of tobacco may increase the risk of cervical cancer.Avoid sex before marriage or at the very young or teenage years.Avoid having sex during menstrual period proved to be effective to prevent and inhibit the formation and development of cervical cancer.Avoid sex with multiple partners.Routinely undergo regular Pap smear tests. Currently Pap smear can be done even at the health center at an affordable price.Alternative Pap smear is a test IVA with a cheaper cost than a Pap smear. The goal for the early detection of HPV infection.Giving the HPV vaccine or vaccination to prevent HPV infection.Perform cleaning sex organs or vagina known as a toilet. This can be done alone or can be also with the help of an expert physician. The goal is to clean the female sex organs of dirt and disease.

3. Treating Cervical Cancer

If infected with HPV, do not worry, because the currently available range of treatments that can control HPV infection. Several treatments aimed at turning off the cells that contain the HPV virus. Another way is to remove the damaged or infected with electric surgery, laser surgery, or cryosurgery (remove the abnormal tissue by freezing).
If cervical cancer has reached an advanced stage, it will be done chemo therapy. In some severe cases may also be performed hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus or womb in total. Aim is to remove cervical cancer cells that have been developed on the body.
However, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, how to prevent HPV infection and cervical cancer? Here are some ways you can do to prevent cervical cancer.
Category cancer

4:06 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Face of Breast Cancer

Title   Face of Breast Cancer 
Description Face of Breast Cancer 

Breast cancer is a type number two cancer killer of Indonesian women after cervical cancer (cancer of the mouth or neck of the womb). Therefore this disease should be aware. Early detection of disease will increase the likelihood of life of sufferers. Whether as a woman can become immune to breast cancer? What should be done to prevent it?

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

No one knows exactly what causes breast cancerBased on statistical resultsmost patients with breast cancer is women aged above 50 yearsThis means that the older theperson, then the chance of developing this diseaseAnother factor that affects the family historyIf there are families who suffer from this disease like a mother or sibling then thechances will be even greaterBreast cancer can also be caused by previous cancer inother organs that spread to the breastOr if there is previous history of cancer in other organs.
Another thing that can trigger cancer is a lifestyleOften consume foods that contain chemicals or carcinogenicalcoholor smoking.

Prevent Breast Cancer

One breast cancer prevention is a healthy dietAn estimated one in three cases of breastcancer due to dietary factorsA good diet that will help maintain your immune system and this is the most powerful disease preventionAlthough there has been no food that cancure cancer, eating certain foods and reducing certain other foods can be a preventive measure.

Foods that are rich in fibercan help reduce levels of prolactin and estrogen, possibly by attaching themselves to these hormones and then throw it out of the bodyThis can furthersuppress the phase of carcinogenesis (cancer formation). In addition, reducing thesaturated fat diet may reduce riskSoybeans and soy products without fermented can inhibit tumor growth.

Vegetables rich in vitamin A, like carrots, squashsweet potatoesand vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and mustard greensmay helpVitamin Aprevents the formation of cancer-causing mutationsWhile fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C lowers the risk of breast cancer.
Category Cancer

3:59 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Dangers of Oral Sex

Title   Dangers of Oral Sex
Description Did you know that the activity of oral sex can cause mouth cancer? A study from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Scientists say that the activity of oral sex is one way the migration of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes cervical cancer of the cervix into the mouth that can cause a the emergence of oral cancer.
A study also noted the number of patients with oral cancer is increasing every year during the last ten years, even more than people with testicular cancer and cervical cancer itself.Average people are those aged under 45 years in which their sexual activity is high.
Although oral sex is one cause of oral cancer, but you need not worry too much, because the risk of contracting cancer of the mouth through oral sex is still quite low at 1:10,000 people. Instead cigarettes widened still a major factor causing oral cancer in addition to alcohol. Both are 30 times higher risk of causing cancer of the mouth than oral sex. But it helps you stay alert, remain loyal and not bergant-pair change in sexual intercourse is the best way to avoid yourself from oral cancer. Another way is by first memerikasaan yourself and your partner to the clinic teeth and gums for STD testing or oral health checks to ensure that you or your partner does not carry the HPV virus. This is mainly done for couples who want to get married.
Vaccination is also an alternative to the virus outbreak prevention of HPV, but HPV vaccination is only done for women, especially young women, while men can only do cervical cancer prevention vaccination by injection is carried out for 6 months with a fairly expensive cost.
Couple Sexual History
Not sure of the partner's sexual history sometimes makes you still feel unsafe to perform oral sex although the test results stating that you both do not carry the HPV virus. For it would not hurt if you wear protective gear or condoms during oral sex. Although it's not a fun way for your sex life and your partner, but better play safe rather than treatment?
Early detection of oral cancer may increase treatment success rates. Alert in case of membranes around the mouth wound that never healed after three weeks, or the appearance of small bumps around the mouth red and white. Immediately contact your doctor immediately if you have any indication of contracting cancer in your mouth.
Category Oral Sex
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Cancer Preventing Qualities of Green Tea


Cancer Preventing Qualities of Green Tea

Description One of the most important discoveries resulting from the many years of cancer research is the indication that there may be several natural ways to prevent cancer. Learning how we might prevent cancer could be the most important tool in eradicating this disease.

Determining cancer prevention techniques has been difficult in many cases, because we don’t know what causes many types of cancer. However, there are many forms of cancer that are partly, or completely, preventable.

For example, we know that the vast majority of those who suffer from lung cancer are smokers. And, a large percentage of skin cancer is caused by over exposure to the sun and lack of sun protection.

If we can further our research and learn the causes of more types of cancer, then we will be well on our way to preventing many incidences of this disease. There have been some promising findings, and it appears that one thing that we can do to prevent many different types of cancer is drink green tea.

Researchers began looking at green tea’s properties because of the vast differences in health concerns between Asian cultures and our own. While more Asians than Americans are smokers, they have a far lower incidence of heart disease and lung cancer – the two diseases most likely to affect smokers.

In addition, Asians have a lower incidence of cancer, heart disease and stroke over all than Americans. And, Asians drink, on average, four cups of green tea each day.

There is very promising news about the possibilities that green tea can help prevent disease. Green tea is loaded with some of the most powerful anti-oxidants around, and we know that anti-oxidants are one of the most important keys to preventing cancer and many other diseases that plague us.

Anti- oxidants are important because they combat free radicals in our bodies. These free radicals are created as a by product of converting the food we eat to energy. If they are not kept in check, they wreak havoc on our bodies by damaging our cells and DNA. This leads to faster aging and a higher risk of many diseases, including cancer, heart disease and stroke. They even make us look older.

So, to prevent your risk of disease, doctors recommend that you have a diet high in anti-oxidants. And, not all anti-oxidants are created equal. It’s helpful to eat the foods that contain the most potent anti-oxidants. This includes pomegranates, tomatoes and blueberries. And, it also includes drinking green tea each day.

There have been many studies that link green tea with cancer prevention. One of the most interesting articles available on the subject was published by the University Hospitals of Cleveland. This article outlines in detail the findings of many studies that lead to the conclusion that green tea is effective at preventing many forms of cancer.

Green tea has been shown to be effective at protecting against many types of cancers when it becomes part of everyday life. It has shown promise in preventing colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and stomach cancer.

Most of these studies have been conducted on mice in laboratories or in vitro. And while, to be sure, we need to test the findings on humans, the indications are promising. And, to date, several human trials have begun. Of course, in the case of proving that green tea can prevent cancer, studies on humans would need to last for years to be conclusive.

There have also been some studies that indicate that green tea may even be effective at treating patients who already have cancer. Several studies have shown that traditional chemotherapy drugs were more effective when the patient was consuming green tea regularly during the months receiving treatment.

In addition to studies that indicate green tea’s effectiveness in preventing cancer when added to the diet, there is also indication that it may be effective at preventing and treating skin cancer when applied topically. Several studies have been conducted that have led to more research to be done on humans. It’s highly likely that you’ll see green tea extract added to your favorite sunscreen and skin care products in the future.

Green tea holds such wonderful possibilities, in part because it has no side effects. Even if green tea proves not to be effective at preventing or treating cancer, it is healthy and you can consume as much as you want without fear.

Another reason that green tea could hold so much promise is that it’s inexpensive. Adding green tea to your diet is a simple and cost effective way to protect your health. It is widely available and affordable to the masses.

So, drink up! Green tea is good for you – we know that. And, it’s likely that it’s even better for you than you imagined. A cup or two of green tea each day may be the key to protecting your health for years to come!
Category Cancer
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Written By Rian_EW on Friday, October 21, 2011 | 3:33 AM



Scientific/medical name(s): Astragalus membranaceus
Other common name(s): milk vetch, huang qi, huang ch', ogi, hwanggi, bei qi, radix astragali, goat's horn, green dragon, locoweed

Astragalus is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine taken from a plant known as Astragalus membranaceus, which is a type of bean (legume). The root is used in herbal remedies.

Animal studies and preliminary human clinical studies suggest that astragalus may improve immune system function and boost the effect of conventional immune therapy for some cancers. But available scientific evidence does not support claims that astragalus can prevent cancer, cure cancer, extend survival, or reduce side effects of conventional cancer treatment. There is some suggestion that it may enhance the effects of certain chemotherapy drugs, but this theory needs to be tested more thoroughly.

How is it promoted for use?
The herb is promoted to kill cancer cells, reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy, help heal burns, protect against heart disease, fight the common cold, and help improve overall weakness. Proponents also claim astragalus can stimulate the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system, and help treat arthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions. They further claim it can lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

What does it involve?
When dried, the root of the astragalus plant is sold in tea bags, tinctures, and capsules. It is also available as dried slices of the root and as a powder. In China, healers sometimes use the dried root in soups or roast the root in honey for use as a medicinal tonic. Astragalus is usually combined with other Chinese herbal remedies.

What is the history behind it?
For more than 2,000 years, Chinese herbalists have recommended astragalus to help the human body build up energy and resist diseases including cancer, heart disease, liver and kidney problems, and infections. It is the most commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine, though it is most often used with other herbs. Conventional medical researchers became interested in the possibility that astragalus might boost immune response and lessen the side effects of chemotherapy.

Category Treatment

3:33 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Banish Acne without Used

Written By Rian_EW on Thursday, October 20, 2011 | 10:37 PM

Banish Acne without Used
In some people, acne is a skin health problem still not finished. Acne medication or expensive skin care does not guarantee could overcome acne efektif.Menurut Elliott Weiss, MD, a dermatologist from the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, a study shows your eating habits contribute greatly to the appearance of acne. Including, aggravate acne conditions
"One thing that is interesting, acne is the dominant problem in the community who follow the western diet (consumption of sugar and refined grain products are high). Meanwhile, the people who follow a diet-style hunter-gatherers (the consumption of meat, vegetables, grains, and do not eat processed foods or packaging) do not have a problem with acne, "he said as quoted from
It is not separated from the main triggers of acne are follicular hyperkeratosis conditions (proliferation), which leads to blockage of the follicle and inflammation. In fact, the foods you eat every day contribute to this process.
According to Dr. Weiss, the food should be avoided to prevent the appearance of acne is a sweet foods, excessive consumption of dairy products and processed grain products. This method would not only beautify the skin, but also keeping the waist circumference and weight of your body. In addition, multiply also the consumption of these three foods.
1. Vegetables and fruits with high water content
Vegetables with high water content, can help reduce the appearance of acne. Water is the key to stop the blockage and get rid of toxins that can trigger acne. To that end, multiply the consumption of fruits and vegetables high water levels such as cucumbers, watermelons, carrots, kiwi and tomatoes.
2. Oyster mushrooms
This food is known to increase sexual desire. Another benefit is being able to cure acne because the content zincnya high. Zinc helps control the release of hormones trigger acne.
3. Yogurt
Dairy products are known to trigger the appearance of acne. However, the content of the good bacteria in yogurt may help prevent the emergence of bad bacteria triggers the formation of acne. It would be better if you eat plain yogurt and add slices of fresh fruit, like bananas or apples.

Banish Acne without Used

To be lost and no trace of acne and stopping its growth into a serious problem, need healthy nan intelligent solutions to overcome them. In addition to effectiveness, efficiency in the workarounds is also noteworthy. In other words, all it takes is a simple solution and it worked.
HDI Bee Clear, pollen serves to clean your face up into the pores. Thus, in addition to eliminate acne, stains come jerawatpun swept by him. Meanwhile, the antibacterial properties of propolis helps treat acne and the resulting infection. This course will eliminate the growth of acne bacteria to disease that makes health became critical.
The next is the content of royal jelly that helps maintain skin elasticity and rejuvenate and nourish the skin. With the royal jelly, wrinkled skin acne scars will be restored as before the breakouts. And then honey that serves as a moisturizer. The presence of honey in Bee Clear HDI will make your face awake so as to keep the moisture level of skin from irritation, which can invite bacteria.
This product contains only four ingredients above, without chemical additives. If you want to prove that the product is original from the bees, the Taste taste. Undoubtedly the sweet taste of honey and royal jelly acid mix in your tongue.

Category Skin Care

10:37 PM | 0 comments | Read More